- 172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes, 2/Aug/24 Topics : #Math [[23일차 백준#^13cf84 | Same problem and Explanation]]
Because all trailing 0 is from factors 5 * 2. But sometimes one number may have several 5 factors, for example, 25 have two 5 factors, 125 have three 5 factors. In the n! operation, factors 2 is always ample. So we just count how many 5 factors in all number from 1 to n.
TC : $O(log_5(n))$
public int trailingZeroes(int n) {
int fivePow = 5;
int ans = 0;
while (n >= fivePow) {
ans += n / fivePow;
fivePow *= 5;
return ans;
more simpler version
public int trailingZeroes(int n) {
int ans = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n /= 5;
ans += n;
return ans;
- 50. Pow(x, n), 2/Aug/24 Topics : #Math , #Recursion couldn’t solve it in 1h bc there are so many edge(corner) cases!!!! And this problem also I solved it before but forgot… haha [[2023-11-01-day30#^45de9a | Same problem]]
i ) $(a^b) = (a^2)^(b/2)$ The main Idea is using exponential laws
$(a^b) = (a^2)^(b/2)$ We can reduce time complexity $O(N)$ -> $O(logN)$
To handing negative base is key point here.
public double myPow(double x, int n) {
if (n == 0) return 1;
// useless code
if (n == 1) return x;
// to prevent stack overflow, when n is INT_MIN
if (n < 0) return 1/x * myPow(1/x, -(n+1));
if (n % 2 == 0) return myPow(x*x, n/2);
else return myPow(x*x, n/2) * x;
ii ) $(a^(c+b)) = (a^c) * (a^b)$; Basic Idea is to divide the work using binary representation of exponents
x = 7, n = 11 and pow = 1 Here, we have to calculate $7^11$ Binary of n : 1 0 1 1 OR we can also write this as 1 0 1 1 8 4 2 1 <– Corresponding place values of each bit
Now, $7^8 × 7^2 × 7^1$ == $7^11$ as $7^(8 + 2 + 1) == 7^11$ NOTE: We have not considered $7^4$ in this case as the 4th place bit is OFF
class Solution {
public double myPow(double x, int n) {
if(n < 0){
n = -n;
x = 1 / x;
double pow = 1;
while(n != 0){
// check the a certain postion is set for not. if set, multiply x^(2^position)
if((n & 1) != 0){
pow *= x;
x *= x;
// prevent INT_MIN overflow
// unsigned right shift
n >>>= 1;
return pow;