Swap 2 numbers

Use XOR instead of temp variable

5^5 = 0, meaning that XOR operation to same numbers is 0

  1. a = a ^ b
  2. b = a ^ b -> b = (a ^ b) ^ b -> a ^ 0 -> a
  3. a = a ^ b -> a = (a ^ b) ^ a -> 0 ^ b -> b

Check if the ith bit is set or not

if (N & (1 « i)) != 0, then ith bit is set! Using left shift operator and AND bitwise

N : 13, i = 1 (1 « 1) -> 0..010

&(AND) 0010(1<<1)

So if N is 13 and i is 1, the answer is unset!

if ( (N » i) & 1 ) is 1, then ith bit is set! Using right shift and AND bitwise

N : 13, i = 2 (13 » 2) -> 1101 -> 0011

&(AND) 0001(1)

Set the ith bit

N | ( 1 « i ) Use OR bitwise and left shift of 1.

N = 9, i = 2

1101(13) How?

(1<<2) |(OR) N

Clear the ibit

N & ~( 1 « i ) Use NOT(~) and AND bitwise and left shift of 1.

N = 13, i = 2

1001(9) How?

~(1<<2) & N

Toggle the ith bit

N ^(XOR) ( 1 « i ) Use XOR bitwise and left shift of 1.

N = 13, i = 2

1001(9) How?


(1<<2) XOR N

Remove the last set bit(rightmost)

N & (N-1)

N = 40(101000)


40 = $2^5$ + $2^3$ 39 = $2^5$ + $2^2$ + $2^1$ + $2^0$ So (the number - 1) can be divided into two part by the laast set bit!

10 1 000 (40) 
10 0 111 (39)

AND operator! 
10 0 000 (removed the last set bit!)

still same leftside + removed 0 + all set rightside! So using AND bitwise, then we can get still same leftside + 0(was last set bit) + 0…0(rightside bc rightside of original is 0 so still 0)

Check if the number is a power of 2 or not

Every power of 2 will have only 1 set bit. So we can use the previous trait of the last set bit. If the number is power of 2 like 16, then 10000 and 15 is 01111! If we use AND operator, then we can get 00000 meaning 0. if not, we can’t get 0! Therefore if (N & (N-1)) = 0), then the N is power of 2!

Count the number of set bits

i ) Using trait of Odd number.

Odd number has set bit on the 2^0 position. So if Odd & 1, then outcome is always 1.

int countSetBits(int n){
	cnt = 0
	while (n > 1){
		// (if n is odd count by 1)
		cnt += n & 1
		n = n >> 1
	if (n == 1) cnt += 1
	return cnt;

ii) Using “Remove the last set bit” Wow freaking brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remove the last set bit iteratively until the number will be zero then count the loop times!

cnt = 0
while (n != 0){
	n = n & (n-1)
return cnt;

Time complexity is O(number of max set bits), meaning $O(31)$ wow…

  1. 137. Single Number II, 1/Aug/24 Topics : #Array , #BitManipulation couldn’t solve it in 1h… I read the hint using the buckets. After getting that Idea, I thought I can solve it. But failed…

My idea 31 buckets? counts the 1 set bit in buckets!?! and divide all counts of bucket 3. find remain is not 0 then… ohohohohoh. cnt % 3 == 1 ? then num += Math.pow(2, position)

The reason why I failed is I didn’t use bit position itself. I added it. so My code didn’t work when number is negative!.

My failed and dirty code

    public int singleNumber(int[] nums) {
        int[] cnt = new int[32];
        // Count position of the set bit in cnt array.
        // O(n)
        for(long num : nums) {
            if (num < 0) {
                cnt[31] += 1;
                num = -num;
            while (num > 1) {
                // Clear last set bit (rightmost set bit)
                long removed = num & (num-1);
                long find = num - removed;
                for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
                    if (Math.pow(2, i) == find) {
                        cnt[i] += 1;
                num = removed;
            if (num == 1) cnt[0] += 1;
        int ans = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cnt.length - 1; i++) {
            if (cnt[i] % 3 == 1) ans += Math.pow(2, i);
        // if the ans is -ve
        if (cnt[31] % 3 == 1) {
            ans = ~ans;
        return ans;

i ) Using Bit Mask(Manipulation) The idea is to count ith postion set bits. Then if that can’t be divisible by 3. Then mask that ith postion to ans variable. Very Simple!

    public int singleNumber(int[] nums) {
        int ans = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
            // Check the position set bit can be divisible 3.
            // If not, masking that postion to ans variable!
            int cnt = 0;
            for (int num : nums) {
                // Check the `i`th position is set or not.
                if ( (num & (1 << i)) != 0) cnt++;
            // if cnt can not be divisible by 3 then making `i`th position set.
            if (cnt % 3 != 0) ans = ans | (1 << i);

        return ans;

This code TC is $O(n * 32)$_ always. It is not same with $O(n)!$ Think about $O(nlogn)$, when nums.length = $2^32$, TC can be $O(n * 32)$ So $O(n * 32)$ is so waste!… We have to optimize this more! So it is worse than just sorting the nums and find single number!.

ii ) Using Bit manipulation Wow freaking hard ever I’ve met…

Use trait of XOR (n ^ n = 0) and trait of AND (n & ~n = 0)

    public int singleNumber(int[] nums) {
        // to keep track of once number and twice number while loop 
        int once = 0;
        int twice = 0;
        // using trait of XOR (n ^ n = 0)
        // using trait of AND (n & ~n = 0)
        for (int num : nums) {
            // add num to once if num is not in twice.
            /** i ) if num is twice then ((num ^ num) & whatever) = 0
                meaning that erect num from once.
                ii) if num is third, then (num ^ 0) & ~num = num & ~num = 0
                bc twice has num already. So num cannot be added at once! 
            once = (num ^ once) & ~twice;
            // add num to twice if num is in once.
            /** we count once and twice same number.
                i ) If we add num to "once" already then we must do not add to twice.
                    That's why we use "~once".
                ii) if nums is third, then (num ^ num) & whatever = 0,
                meaning erect num from twice.
            twice = (num ^ twice) & ~once;
        return once;

After reading the my code including the comments, read this. much better to undersatnd the idea.

For each number i in the array: a. ones = (ones ^ i) & (~twos);:
- ones ^ i XORs the current number i with the previous value of ones. This operation toggles the bits that have appeared an odd number of times, keeping the bits that have appeared twice unchanged. - (~twos) negates the bits in twos, effectively removing the bits that have appeared twice from consideration. - The & operation ensures that only the bits that have appeared once (after XOR) and not twice (after negating twos) are retained.

b. twos = (twos ^ i) & (~ones);: - twos ^ i XORs the current number i with the previous value of twos. This operation toggles the bits that have appeared an even number of times, effectively removing the bits that have appeared twice. - (~ones) negates the bits in ones, effectively removing the bits that have appeared once from consideration. - The & operation ensures that only the bits that have appeared twice (after XOR) and not once (after negating ones) are retained.

  1. 201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range, 1/Aug/24 Topics : #BitManipulation could solve it in 36mi using hints (Think about common prefix

When we read the Bit Manipulation problem, we must start getting idea from the traits of bitwise operations.

Think about traits of AND opertator i) num & 0 = 0 -> if 0 is including once, then after that all is 0!. ii) num & ~num = 0 iii) num & num = num

If a number in range has 0 as ith bit, then after that number, ith bit will be always 0. That is traits of AND operator, (N & 0 = 0). So we can think for ith bit to keep 1 bit is so difficult. Then How can we keep 1(set) bit on ith bit?.

Think about this two number. we can use trait of AND, (N & N = N).
011010….100 left
011010….111 right

    public int rangeBitwiseAnd(int left, int right) {
        int common = 0;
        for (int i = 30; i >= 0; i--) {
            // if `i`th bit of left is different from right's then break
            // else masking that bit to common.
            int bits = left & (1 << i);
            if (bits != (right & (1 << i))) break;
            common |= bits;

        return common;

Same idea looking for the common prefix.

    public int rangeBitwiseAnd(int left, int right) {
        // clear the last set bit.
        // to find longest common prefix    
        while (right > left) right = right & (right - 1);
        return right;


public int rangeBitwiseAnd(int m, int n) {
      int i = 0; // i means we have how many bits are 0 on the right
      while(m != n){
        m >>= 1;
        n >>= 1;
	// the m became 0011
	// then restore only same part(common prefix) like if i is 4, 00110000
      return m << i;  