A one-ended linear data structure which models a real world stack by having two primary operations, namely Push and Pop.

  • Used by undo mechanisms in text editors.
  • Used in compiler syntax checking for matching brackets and braces.
  • Can be used to model a pile of books or plates.
  • Used behind the scenes to support recursion by keeping track of previous function calls.
  • Can be used to do a Depth First Search (DFS) on a graph.

Time Complexity

Pushing $O(1)$
Popping $O(1)$
Peeking(without removing) $O(1)$
Searching $O(n)$
Size $O(1)$
  1. 71. Simplify Path, 2/Jul/24 Topics : String, Stack could solve it in 27mi. But if I didn’t know this problem is about Stack, Can I solve it? I dunno…
class Solution {
    public String simplifyPath(String path) {
        Stack<String> simplePath = new Stack<String>();
        String[] paths = path.split("/");

        for (String file : paths) {
            switch (file) {
                case "..":
                    if(simplePath.isEmpty() == false) simplePath.pop();
                case "":
                case ".":
        String ans = "";
        for (String file : simplePath) {
            ans += file;
        if (ans == "") return "/";
        else return ans;

Switch can be switched to if else.

And return "/" + String.Join("/", simplePath) is more sexy.

  1. 155. Min Stack, 2/Jul/24 Topics : Stack, Design could solve it in 19mi using Hint, Consider each node in the stack having a minimum value.

For returning minimum value of Stack, we have to keep track of minNum. but If the minNum popped? then How we know 2nd minimum value?

We can come up with If previous node has second minimum value? Actually previous node can’t know what is next node and next node value will be minimum or not. So when previous node was pushed, We can push value of node with the currently minimum value.

i) Implemented by Stack itself

    Stack<int[]> stack;
    public MinStack() {
        stack = new Stack<int[]>();
    public void push(int val) {
        if (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek()[1] <= val) stack.push(new int[] {val, stack.peek()[1]});
        else stack.push(new int[] {val, val}); 
    public void pop() {
    public int top() {
        return stack.peek()[0];
    public int getMin() {
        return stack.peek()[1];

ii) Implemented by Linked List

class MinStack {
    Node head;

    //public MinStack() {
    public void push(int val) {
        if (head == null) head = new Node(val, val, head);
        else head = new Node(val, Math.min(head.min, val), head);
    public void pop() {
        head = head.prev;
    public int top() {
        return head.val;
    public int getMin() {
        return head.min;

    private class Node {
        int val;
        int min;
        Node prev;

        private Node(int val, int min, Node prev) {
            this.val = val;
            this.min = min;
            this.prev = prev;

  1. 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation, 2/Jul/24 Topics : Array, Math, Stack could solve it in 18mi. I dunno why it is not easy?…


if (val == expression)
    a = pop
    b = pop
    stack.push(a expression b)
else stack.push(val); 

return stack.pop();
class Solution {
    public int evalRPN(String[] tokens) {
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
        HashSet<String> exp = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("+", "-", "*", "/"));

        for (String token : tokens) {
            if (exp.contains(token)) {
                int b = stack.pop();
                int a = stack.pop();
                switch (token) {
                    case "+":
                        stack.push(a + b);
                    case "-":
                        stack.push(a - b);
                    case "*":
                        stack.push(a * b);
                        stack.push(a / b);
            else stack.push(Integer.parseInt(token));

        return stack.pop();